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NGC 1052-DF2 - Galaxie ohne Dunkle Materie?
Keine Dunkle Materie • Galaxie NGC 1052-DF2 • Neues aus dem Universum | Andreas Müller
The first ghostly galaxy without dark matter | NGC 1052-DF2
Galaxy without Dark Matter NGC 1052 - DF2 /Missing Dark Matter (latest news)
Galaxie NGC 1052-DF2 • Kommentarcheck | Andreas Müller
A galaxy with no dark matter -DF-2
Ghostly galaxy may be missing dark matter, galaxy without dark matter discovered, NGC1052,
Classroom Aid - NGC 1052 - DF2
Galaxy With 'Little to No' Dark Matter Spied by Hubble
Spektakuläre Entdeckung: Galaxie ohne Dunkle Materie! - Clixoom Science & Fiction
Hubble finds a Galaxy lacking Dark Matter
Rätsel um Galaxie ohne Dunkle Materie gelöst | Andreas Müller